Meet our staff and board of directors!
Hands-on House has a dynamic team of leaders and staff members who all share a drive to do MORE for our community. You'll find us:
- Actively experimenting and yes, playing, with our own materials to create truly unique (often made in-house) and safe activities for visitors
- Networking with local schools and businesses
- Drafting up new ideas to deepen learning in our exhibit and program spaces
Our Staff
Executive Director: Contact for sponsorships and partnership opportunities
Operations Manager: Contact for memberships and admissions
Brooke Ober
Assistant Operations Manager
Marketing Coordinator: Contact for advertising + content inquiries
Lead Museum Educator and Camp Director
Museum Art Educator and Exhibits
Museum Educator
Outreach Coordinator: Contact to schedule an outreach program
And all of our amazing front desk staff!
Our Board of Directors
Board Chair
Vice Chair