Meet our staff and board of directors!
Hands-on House has a dynamic team of leaders and staff members who all share a drive to do MORE for our community. You'll find us:
- Actively experimenting and yes, playing, with our own materials to create truly unique (often made in-house) and safe activities for visitors
- Networking with local schools and businesses
- Drafting up new ideas to deepen learning in our exhibit and program spaces
Our Staff
Executive Director: Contact for sponsorships and partnership opportunities
Operations Manager: Contact for memberships and admissions
Marketing Coordinator: Contact for advertising + content inquiries
Lead Museum Educator and Camp Director
Museum Art Educator and Exhibit Development: Contact for scouting badge programs
Betsy Morley
Museum Educator and Outreach Teacher
Contact to schedule an outreach program
And all of our amazing front desk staff!
Our Board of Directors
Board Chair
Vice Chair