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Lend a helping hand and support learning through play in Lancaster County

From events, to exhibits, and financial assistance for families in need, we couldn't do what we do without you!

If you’re interested in sponsoring an event, exhibit, or initiative, please send an email to our Executive Director, Elizabeth Gable:

Becoming a sponsor allows us to provide visibility for your organization and partner in exciting and creative ways!

There's something incredible that happens when you bring a community together. We're beyond grateful to the brands and small businesses we've partnered with over the years!

Take a look our sponsorship opportunities for Hands-on House Children's Museum

An adventurous day in April where littles can explore 20-25 unique vehicles from construction trades, first responders and more.

5k, 10k, 1/2 Marathon
Our long-running (pun intended) fundraiser in September that attracts hundreds of serious and hobby runners.

Special Day Sponsor
Extra special events like magic shows, Superhero meet and greets, and Noon Year’s Eve are offered free with admission. Sponsors make special days possible!

Exhibit Sponsor
We welcome sponsors for current and up-and-coming exhibits to cover initial construction, maintenance, and fun new additions over time!

Camp Scholarship
Each year, we provide 18-25 scholarships for SNAP families so their child can enjoy summer or winter camp!

Education sponsor
Our visitors love class offerings including Story Stretchers, Art, STEM Explorers, MakerSpot, and more! Help us offset material costs and keep classes free-with-admission.


For more information or to discuss an idea with us, please send a message to our Executive Director, Elizabeth Gable at

Play IS learning! Play matters.

Nurturing expression, early development, and life-long well-being!

Reaching families and schools

  • Museum Visitors last year


  • Students served through Outreach 23'-24'


Thank you to our generous sponsors!

  • RKL
  • Georgelis Family
  • Clark Associates
  • DH Funk and Sons
  • Alliance Towing
    Alliance Towing
  • Harrington